Investment & Asset Management CN



搜索结果: "". 第 1 页,共 2 页,结果 1 到 10 / 14
职务 地点 设施
Senior Manager / Vice President, Asset Management, Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Permanent
Senior Executive, Private Capital Management (Fund Syndication) (Based in Singapore) Singapore, Singapore Permanent
Manager / Assistant Manager, Asset Management (Based in Pune, India) Pune, India Permanent
Assistant / Manager, Investment and Asset Management (Based in Bengaluru, India) Bengaluru, India Permanent
Manager, Asset Management & Investment (Based in Chennai, India) Chennai, India Permanent
Analyst / Senior Analyst, Asset Management and Investment (Logistics) (Based in Bengaluru, India) Bengaluru, India Permanent
Manager / Assistant Manager, Asset & Revenue Analyst (Based in Mumbai, India) Mumbai, India Permanent
Assistant / Manager, Investment (Logistics) (Based in Singapore) Singapore, Singapore Permanent
Manager, Investment and Asset Management, Logistics, Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam Permanent
Director, Asset & Fund Management, Logistics (Based in Chicago, United States) Chicago, United States of America Permanent