Capital Management & Investment JP

  • Capital Management and Investment

    Our capital management and investment team is made up of financially astute investment professionals, including many with CFA/CPA credentials. A significant number of our investment staff have had successful careers in large financial institutions before joining Mapletree. Their extensive experience helps drive new income streams in both our private and listed capital management platforms

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タイトル 場所 施設
Director, Asset & Fund Management, Logistics (Based in Chicago, United States) Chicago, United States of America Permanent
Manager, Investment and Asset Management, Logistics, Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam Permanent
Assistant Manager, Investment and Asset Management, Logistics (Based in Sydney, Australia) Sydney, Australia Permanent
Senior Executive, Asset Management (Logistics Real Estate)(Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Permanent
Assistant Associate Director, Investment Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Permanent
Vice President / Senior Manager, Asset Management (Based in Bengaluru, India) Bengaluru, India Permanent
Senior / Analyst, Investment and Asset Management (Based in Mumbai, India) Mumbai, India Permanent
Senior Manager, Asset Management and Investment, Logistics, Austalia Sydney, Australia Permanent
Senior Manager / Vice President, Asset Management, Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Permanent
Senior Executive, Private Capital Management (Fund Syndication) (Based in Singapore) Singapore, Singapore Permanent